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How You Can Help?
Ahmedabad Cares is a volunteer-driven platform to help common citizens to save lives of their near near-ones. If you can spare 3-4 Hrs/day and would like to volunteer with us, please fill in the form available here. Our team will get back to you shortly.
Besides, if you think there are ways to improve this platform, let’s get connected.
What is Ahmedabad Cares?
Ahmedabad Cares ( is a voluntary initiative under IndiGive Foundation, a Section 8, not for profit organisation and group foundation of CSRBOX. The platform is curated to bring together all essential information that is required for COVID-19 patients and their families for the patient care and treatment. Operationally, we are a volunteer cum citizens platform. Legally, we are a Section 8 not for profit company.
How do you help COVID-19 patients?
We are a voluntary, citizens-driven platform. We collate all the essential information required for the COVID-19 patients like oxygen-cylinder suppliers, plasma donors etc, verify those information and share with the needy through our website, social media and our help line no. 079-48062000. Families of the patients can save time by getting verified information. Our team periodically re-validates the sources to ensure we share the relevant and updated information.
Are you helping patients outside Ahmedabad?
Given the limited bandwidth, currently we are serving patients in Ahmedabad or in vicinity by providing all the relevant information. Once we are sure that we are able to help Amdavadis and there is scope for us to do more, with help and support form citizens, we will soon be launching services for other cities/areas.
What is the authenticity of the information?
All the data shared/availed by Ahmedabad Cares is pre-validated by an internal validation team before making it online or sharing with the external sources.This is an ongoing exercise done by our validation team. There are chances that by the time you reach out to a sources for service, the stock/service may not be available. You can always flag such incidents to us to help us improve the platform.
How can I help Ahmedabad Cares?
If you are a Hindi/Gujarati speaking person, you may join us and be a volunteer to strengthen our team. If you have certain IT and Database skills and can help us improvise, we would be happy to hear from you. You can write/reach to us via our team page. If you are non Gujarati speaking person and think we can leverage your expertise, network for operations and support in other areas, please write to us
Does Ahmedabad Cares charge any fee?
No, absolutely not. We neither do charge any fee for any of our services, nor do we get any commission for any of our recommendation. We are a philanthropic and citizen-centric platform with an aim to use technology for helping communities.